Mathematics with Teacher Certification (BS)


This program qualifies individuals to obtain an Oklahoma teaching certificate and teach mathematics in grades 5-12. For a program checklist for teacher certification in mathematics, students should consult the mathematics education advisor.

BS in Mathematics with Teacher Certification Degree Checksheet Why Major in Mathematics?

Degree Requirements

See Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum

Required Math Core (36 hours)

MATH 1513College Algebra


MATH 1613Trigonometry


MATH 1743Calculus and Analytical Geometry I


MATH 2223Calculus and Analytical Geometry II


MATH 2243Calculus and Analytical Geometry III


MATH 3233Linear Algebra


MATH 3253Foundations of Mathematics


MATH 3263Calculus and Analytical Geometry IV


MATH 3313Advanced Euclidean Geometry


MATH 3323Modern Algebra I


MATH 4303Probability and Statistics I


MATH 4403Probability and Statistics II


Required Computer Science (3 hours)

CSCI 1143Introduction to Computing


Required Natural Science (0-2 hours)

NSCI 2710Stem Communication


NSCI 3710Next Step Preparation


Note: NSCI-2711 may be substituted for NSCI-2710; NSCI-3711 may be substituted for NSCI-3710.

Required Physics (3 hours)

PHYS 2113General Physics I


Required Professional Education Core (34 hours)

EDUC 2002Orientation to Teaching


EDUC 2011Level 1 Clinical Experiences


EDUC 2022Education of the Exceptional Child


EDUC 2103Human Development & Learning


EDUC 3102Educational Psychology


EDUC 3203School and Society


EDUC 3211Level 2 Clinical Experiences


EDUC 3343Educational Technology


EDUC 4410Student Teaching in the Secondary School


EDUC 4442Classroom Management and Evaluation Theory


EDUC 4542Applied Professional Studies


MATH 4463Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School


Foreign Language Requirement (6-8 hours)

Competency at the elementary level, generally met by taking and passing 6-8 hours of college courses in the same language (Spanish or French or American Sign Language). Any substitutions must be approved by the Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Humanities and the Foreign Language Department.

Choose 6-8 hours from the same language.

DFED 1213American Sign Language I


DFED 2113American Sign Language II


FREN 1104Elementary French I


FREN 1114Elementary French II


FREN 1118Elementary French I & II


SPAN 1104Elementary Spanish I


SPAN 1114Elementary Spanish II


SPAN 1118Elementary Spanish I & II


Teacher Certification Information

USAO offers 11 programs in teacher certification, including art, physical education (PHED), English, math, music (vocal and/or instrumental), science, social studies, elementary, early childhood, and deaf education. Major requirements for a teaching certificate in these areas can be found on the respective program's checksheet and in the Teacher Education Handbook.

Students enrolling in programs seeking PK-12 and secondary education certification should understand that these are only certification programs, not degree programs. PK-12 (art, music, deaf education and physical education) and secondary education (English, math, science, and social studies) students must also satisfy the requirements for their degree areas. Students should consult the area advisor for the degree and certification checksheets.

USAO's Teacher Education unit is nationally recognized and are accredited by both Oklahoma’s Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). USAO's teacher certification program in Deaf Education is accredited through the Council for the Education of the Deaf (CED), and the Music teacher certification programs are accredited through the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) All other teacher certification programs are state accredited through OEQA. The Teacher Education Handbook, available from the USAO Bookstore and on the website at, provides further information concerning the Teacher Education program and certification requirements.

Information about required certification exams can be obtained from the Teacher Education Office or a Teacher Education faculty member.

All certification programs include a foreign language competency requirement and completion of a professional portfolio.

All requirements for teacher certification programs are subject to change if new requirements are established by the Oklahoma State Board of Education, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma’s Office of Educational Quality and Accountability, or the Oklahoma state legislature.

Teacher Certification in PK-12 and Secondary Education

USAO does not offer degrees in PK-12 or Secondary Education. However, students may obtain teaching certificates in the academic areas of: art, physical education (PHED), English, math, music (vocal and/or instrumental), science, and social studies. Major requirements for a teaching certificate in these areas can be found on the respective program checksheet and in the Teacher Education Handbook. See your advisor for a program checksheet and the specific requirements for the certification program in these areas.

Teaching Certificate Programs

USAO has approved programs for teaching certificates in the following areas:

PK-3 Certificate Early Childhood Education
1-8 Certificate Elementary Education
Elementary-Secondary Certificate (Grades PK-12) Art, Physical Education, Music
Secondary Certificate (Grades 5-12) Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies
Special Education Certificates (Grades PK-12) Education of the Deaf

Admission to Teacher Education

Students declaring an interest in Teacher Education should enroll in EDUC 2002, a course designed to acquaint them with the many facets of teaching as a profession. Upon completion of the minimum requirements, the student makes formal application for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Applications are available in the Teacher Education Office and on the USAO website.

Minimum requirements for admission to Teacher Education are:

  1. Completion of 30 term hours.

  2. An overall GPA of 2.50, and 2.50 for the last 24 term hours.

  3. Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of "C" or better: IDS 1113, IDS 1213, IDS 1223, or their equivalents.

  4. Completion of the Oral English Screening.

  5. Recommendations by three faculty members and one public school teacher or administrator.

  6. Satisfaction of the Admission Test requirement (details listed in the Teacher Education Handbook).

  7. Satisfaction of the English proficiency requirement (details listed in the Teacher Education Handbook).

Requirements for the Professional Term (Student Teaching)

For Student-Teaching approval, an overall average GPA of 2.50 on coursework is required, with an average of 2.75 in the major area. Other requirements are listed in the Teacher Education Handbook.

Certification Requirements

Students may qualify for an initial Oklahoma teaching certificate if they:

  1. Complete a teacher certification program, pass the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET), the Oklahoma Subject Area Test(s) (OSAT), and the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT).

  2. Satisfy the requirement for foreign language competency.

  3. Submit an acceptable professional portfolio to the Director of Teacher Education.

  4. Submit fingerprints for a background check to the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

Teacher Education Background Check Policy

Recognizing that public trust is important to the education system and that those working with children are held to a high standard of conduct as well as knowledge and skill, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma has adopted the following Background Check Policy to assure our education partners that every effort is made to protect the safety of their students.

All college students enrolled in Clinical Level I classes are required to complete a criminal background check. Each student must be cleared through his/her background check before being allowed to begin the 20-hour classroom observation experience for Clinical I/Practicum I. Refusal to submit to a background check will result in the student’s withdrawal from the course.

If the background check is not clear, that student will receive notification by letter and will be required to drop the course. He/she may not reenroll until cleared by the background check process.

It is emphasized that only the individual, the Director of Teacher Education, and the Coordinator of Clinical Experiences will have knowledge of the results of the background check. All results will be held in strict confidence and on a “need to know” basis.

Candidates enrolling in Clinical Level II classes will be required to sign an affidavit verifying that they do not have any convictions, outstanding criminal charges or warrants of arrest pending in Oklahoma or in any other jurisdiction.

Teacher candidates applying for the professional term will be required to submit to a criminal background check during the application process. Results must be obtained and on file in the Teacher Education office before a candidate will be allowed to report to his/her first assignment. If the candidate’s background check is not clear, the application for the Professional Term will be denied. Denial notification will be sent to the teacher candidate via certified letter. It should be noted that the teacher candidate will be ineligible for future Professional Term opportunities until a subsequent background check clears them.