Prior Learning Credit

USAO's prior learning credit policy recognizes academic learning which has occurred outside the formal classroom setting. The methods for evaluating such learning experiences for advanced standing credit are:

  1. Institutionally prepared examinations, known as advanced standing. The Application for Institution Advanced Standing Examination form can be obtained from the office of Academic Affairs, Troutt Hall, Room 215.
  2. Standardized national tests specially designed to establish credit, such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examinations, the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) subject examinations, and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) subject standardized tests, and the International Baccalaureate Program higher level course exams.
  3. Military service experiences. Students who have completed formal service school training may request an evaluation for credit. The Joint Services Transcript and Community College of the Air Force Transcript will be used to determine credit to be awarded. U.S. veterans providing appropriate documentation of completed basic military training will be granted 2 hours of physical education credit.

College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Program Examinations are taken in the spring in high school. Credit will be awarded by USAO for a score of three, four, or five on any examination equivalent to courses in the USAO curriculum.

The amount of prior learning credit granted will not exceed one-half of the total credit hours required at the lower-division level (31 hours) and not more than one-half of the total credit hours at the upper-division level (31 hours). Credit awarded for prior learning must be validated by successful completion of 12 or more credit hours at USAO.

A current list of CLEP and AP Credit offered by USAO is available online at