Honor Rolls

USAO recognizes students whose GPA is 3.50 or higher for 12 or more hours of graded coursework (excludes P and RP) in the fall and spring term and for all summer-term hours enrolled. The Regents Honor Roll recognizes those who meet the above criteria and who have been enrolled full-time for three consecutive terms. Exception made to students who are student teaching in their last term carrying 12 or more hours with a 3.5 or better even though they may not be graded hours.

The university further recognizes and encourages academic excellence through graduation with honors. To be eligible for graduation with honors, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. a minimum retention/graduation GPA of 3.65 for cum laude, 3.80 for magna cum laude, and 3.90 for summa cum laude; plus
  2. a minimum of 36 hours earned toward the bachelor’s degree at USAO.

The retention/graduation GPA of transfer students is based on all college work taken.