Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes


Defined as canceling one or all classes within the enrollment drop period. Refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Classes that are dropped will not appear on the transcript. Dropping can be processed with the faculty advisor.

Withdrawing during the Automatic “W” Period

Defined as canceling one or more classes while remaining enrolled in at least one class, after the drop period. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Withdrawn classes will appear on the transcript with a grade of “W”. The grade of “W” is not calculated in the GPA. Withdrawals must be processed in the Registrar’s Office.

Withdrawing after the Automatic “W” Period

Defined as canceling one or more classes while remaining enrolled in at least one class, after the automatic “W” period. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Withdrawn classes will appear on the transcript with a “W” for the course if passing or “F” if failing. Withdraws must be processed in the Registrar’s Office. Otherwise, the student will not have an official withdraw from Science & Arts and all grades for the term will be recorded as “Fs”. The grade of “F” is calculated in the GPA.

Administrative Withdrawal

Defined as being involuntarily withdrawn from one or more classes after the add and drop period for disciplinary reasons or inadequate attendance. The grade of “AW” is not calculated in the GPA.

Complete Withdrawal

Defined as canceling all classes in which enrolled for the term. If the complete withdrawal is processed during the drop period, no entry will appear on the transcript. If processed during the automatic “W” period, classes will appear on the transcript with a grade of “W”. If processed after the automatic “W” period, classes will appear on the transcript with a grade of “W” for the course if passing or “F” if failing. A student wanting to undergo a complete withdrawal from the University may notify the Registrar's Office or the Student Success Center. Student Success Center personnel will guide the student in the completion of the official withdrawal forms and provide the student with an estimate from the Financial Aid Office and Business Office of the amount owed to the University if the withdrawal is processed. Complete withdrawals must be processed by the Registrar's Office before the "Withdrawing after Automatic 'W' Period" has passed. If the student needs to undergo a complete withdrawal after the "Withdrawing after Automatic 'W' Period" has passed, the student needs to inquire with the Coordinator for Student Wellness & Accommodations on if their circumstances qualify to be considered for the Emergency Withdrawal process. See below for details.

Emergency Withdrawal

An emergency withdrawal applies to students who are unable to continue classes for extraordinary medical or other personal circumstances, such as serious illness or injury, personal physical or mental health. To request an emergency withdrawal, students must request application from Coordinator for Student Wellness & Accommodations (, complete the Emergency Withdrawal Checklist in its entirety, and submit it to the Coordinator for Student Wellness & Accommodations before Final Exams have begun.  Not all emergency withdrawal requests are approved. Once a student submits all appropriate documentation, a decision will be made by the Emergency Withdrawal Committee.

VA Education Beneficiaries

Adding, dropping, or changing courses can affect the student’s eligibility for VA benefits and can, in some cases, create a student debt. If a student reduces his/her course hours, the VA will be notified of the reduction. If a student withdraws from all courses, the VA will be notified, and benefits will be terminated. Please notify the Registrar’s office if you make any changes to your schedule, as we must report all schedule changes that impact any aspect of VA benefits payments.

Students Ordered to Active Military Service

These policies shall apply to students who are enrolled at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma and are ordered to active military service under Title 44 of Oklahoma Statues or 32 U.S.C., Section 501 or 10 U.S.C., Sections 12301 through 12304, or any subsequent call by the President of the United States or United States Congress. This policy is also subject to current state law.

  1. The rights granted to students under this policy shall be contingent upon the student or an appropriate officer from the military organization in which the student is serving, giving advance verbal or written notice that the student is being called or ordered to qualifying active service. Advance notice shall not be required if precluded by military necessity, or under the relevant circumstances, advance notice is impossible or unreasonable. If advance notice is not provided, the student shall provide Science & Arts written verification of active service, usually military orders.
  2. Upon activation, the student will be given the option to:
    1. complete the course or courses for full credit, with any absences due to performance of state or federal active military service counted as an excused absence. These absences shall not be used adversely to impact the grade of the student.
    2. receive a grade of incomplete (“I”) from the instructor. That decision rests with each faculty member concerned. Normally eligibility of an “I” is based on having completed enough of the course where just a small portion remains, and can be completed without having to re-enroll in the course. The request for an “I” should, circumstance permitting, be made prior to departing on active duty. The student shall have one (1) year following release from active duty to complete any remaining coursework for a final grade.
    3. withdraw from the course or courses and receive a “W” grade. Withdrawal shall not result in a failing grade or other negative annotation on the record of the student, and the GPA of the student shall not be affected. The transcript will be annotated that the student was ordered to active military service on the effective date.
  3. To the degree allowed by state and federal law, Science & Arts will refund to the student all tuition, fees, and room and board associated with the term of enrollment at the time of call-up. Certain financial assistance programs may have stipulations which impact the amount which may be refunded. Only students who withdraw will be eligible for refunds.
  4. If the student is receiving any state or federal financial aid, the student will not be penalized by withdrawal. The circumstances of each student are reviewed individually.
  5. The Science & Arts Bookstore will assist the student in obtaining the best possible refund for books at the time the student is called to active duty.
  6. If the student withdraws, then the student will be readmitted and reenrolled without penalty within one (1) year following release from active duty.
  7. These policies are effective July 1, 2006.