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Student Handbook
Student Organization Expectations and Responsibilities
> Social Functions
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Social Functions
All students and faculty members of the Science & Arts are invited to attend any all-school functions. Closed functions may be limited.
All organized social functions sponsored by student organizations must be chaperoned by a recognized University faculty or staff advisor. The members of the various organizations have the responsibility of obtaining chaperones for their activities. Chaperones should arrive before the activities begin and remain until all participants depart. During the time they are present, the staff/faculty advisor/chaperone are the representatives of the University and assist students with compliance of University policies and the rules and regulations of the facility in which the activity is located. Student Services reserves the right to require additional chaperones for any activity.
Each group will be held responsible for any property damage and for the conduct of individuals (members or guests) attending its social functions. In keeping with University policy, events where alcohol is served must be catered by Sodexo.
Any group sponsoring an activity on campus is responsible for removing all decorations and returning all properties immediately after the function. The use of hay and other flammable materials is not permitted in campus facilities without prior approval.
All student organization meetings and activities, which are held on-campus in the evening on Sunday through Thursday, must conclude no later than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the posted closing hours of the building in which the meeting or activity is being held or by 12:00 a.m. (midnight), unless proper prior written authorization is acquired. All events held on the weekend must conclude by a reasonable hour. Student Services should be consulted regarding dates and activities previously scheduled to avoid conflict with other school programs. Student Organizations must abide by the policies and guidelines set by the building in which their event is being held.