Student Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure

Whenever a student has a concern that a course grade issued by the instructor was incorrect, such student shall have the right to appeal.


Step 1

Within thirty (30) days following the issuance of the grade in question, the student shall communicate in writing with the instructor, requesting a review of the grade and indicating the reasons why the grade is believed to be incorrect. If the instructor fails to respond to the appeal within five (5) working days of receiving the request, or if the response is not satisfactory to the student, the student may request in writing, a review of the matter by the appropriate School Dean. Within five (5) working days of receiving the request, the School Dean shall respond in writing. The response shall inform the student of any action taken with regard to the grade and the reasons for such action. If the student is not satisfied with the response by the School Dean, the student may proceed to Step 2.

Step 2

The student may request in writing that the University Academic Regulations Committee review the case. Such request shall be received no later than fourteen (14) working days following the date the School Dean communicates a decision in Step 1 above. Such request shall be made to the Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Academic Regulations Committee shall hear the case within ten (10) working days thereafter.

At such review the student shall be allowed to appear in person and present any evidence, including the testimony of others, which is relevant in determining if the grade in question was correct. The instructor who issued the grade shall be given the opportunity for further clarification of how the grade was determined.

The Academic Regulations Committee Chair shall communicate the decision of the committee in writing within ten (10) working days after the hearing is closed. Should the committee find in favor of the student, it may recommend to the instructor that the grade be changed.

Step 3

The student shall have the right to appeal the decision if:

  1. The Academic Regulations Committee rules against the student or;
  2. The Academic Regulations Committee recommends that the grade be changed, but the instructor chooses not to do so.

The student shall have an additional five (5) days after notification of the decision to appeal it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. After receiving the report of the Academic Regulations Committee, the Vice President shall determine if Steps 1 and 2 were followed. If steps 1 and 2 have been followed, the Vice President shall:

  1. Talk with the student to get further clarification of the problem.
  2. Talk with the faculty member and School Dean to get further clarification of the problem.

After careful consideration of all facts, but within five (5) working days, the Vice President shall render a decision in writing to the student. The decision of the Vice President may be to:

  1. Uphold the instructor’s original grade, or;
  2. Recommend to the instructor that the grade be changed.

Step 4

The student shall have the right to appeal the decision if;

  1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs rules against the student, or
  2. The Vice President for Academic Affairs recommends that the grade be changed, but the instructor chooses not to do so.

The student shall have an additional five (5) working days after notification of the decision to appeal it to the University President.

After receiving the reports of the Academic Regulations Committee and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and conferring with the student and the instructor, but within ten (10) working days, the President shall render a decision in writing to the student and the instructor. The decision of the University President shall be to:

  1. Uphold the original grade, or;
  2. Instruct the Registrar to change the grade.

Step 5

If either the student or the instructor is dissatisfied with the President’s decision, an appeal may be made to the University Board of Regents. The procedures for addressing the Board of Regents are outlined in the Board of Regents Policy Manual.