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Student Organization Expectations and Responsibilities
> Disciplinary Suspension
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Disciplinary Suspension
The Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or their designee may place a student organization on disciplinary suspension. A student organization placed on disciplinary suspension loses all privileges reserved for active student organizations.
Student organizations placed on disciplinary suspension may regain active status in the following way:
Meet all the requirements set forth by the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or their designee.
Discuss the objectives and goals of the organization with the designated Student Services staff.
Review the former constitution. Revise, update or approve the constitution and submit it to Student Services.
Complete an updated organization profile with at least one (1) full-time faculty or staff member as advisor.
When all the required information has been received and approved, the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources will forward a letter of official University recognition to the officers and advisors of the organization.
Student organizations that have been placed on disciplinary suspension by the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or their designee may reserve campus facilities for informational meetings only during the last semester of their suspension. The Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or their designee must approve the scheduling of rooms for, and publicizing of, informational meetings by inactive student organizations. Student organizations placed under disciplinary suspension are limited to one (1) on-campus informational meeting per semester. An informational meeting is defined as a gathering where the purpose of the organization is the only topic of discussion.