Advisor Responsibilities

The responsibilities of student organization advisors are:

  1. To serve as a resource person and to offer guidance, assistance, advice, and encouragement to the organization.
  2. To help the organization:
    1. Determine the goals and objectives for the year.
    2. Develop a plan to achieve the goals and objectives.
    3. Develop adequate funds to finance proposed programs.
  3. Become familiar with and understand relevant University policies and procedures.
  4. Act within the scope of your authority.
  5. Act in an advisory capacity, as opposed to a directive relationship in the organization. The following educational functions are cited as examples:
    1. providing the officers with the elements of good organizational practice.
    2. teaching the techniques and responsibilities of leadership and following.
    3. teaching the principles of effective group operations.
    4. developing procedures and plans for actions.
    5. keeping the group focused on its goals.
    6. developing self-discipline and responsibility in the group.
    7. stimulating and initiating activity.
  6. Be available to the officers and members to share ideas about organization affairs.
  7. Meet with the officers of the group to discuss the progress and direction of the group.
  8. Attend as many meetings and functions as possible.
  9. Advise and consult with the organization and its officers in its financial affairs to see that the proper budgets are formulated and that the proper distribution of and accounting for funds of the organization are maintained. For non-funded organizations, provide financial and budgetary advice.
  10. Approve/co-approve off-campus activities in which students represent the organization, such as meetings, conventions, etc.
  11. Sign or co-sign appropriate University forms, such as those for use of campus facilities, purchase orders, travel requests, etc.
  12. Serve until a successor is appointed, if for any reason it is impossible to continue as advisor to the organization.
  13. Contact Student Services when questions or problems arise.