Step Two: Meeting with Supervisor

If the Grievance is not resolved in Step One, then the Grievant should contact the Respondent’s immediate supervisor or Dean of Students to discuss the grievance. The Grievant must clearly inform the supervisor, Dean of Students, or other member of management that they are pursuing a grievance under this Policy. This step should normally be undertaken within ten (10) working days of meeting with the Respondent. If the Grievance involves the supervisor then the Grievant should contact the next level of supervision. A meeting to discuss the Grievance should normally occur within ten (10) working days of the Grievant’s notification of the grievance to the Respondent’s supervisor. If the Grievance is resolved in this meeting, then the Respondent’s supervisor should prepare a written document summarizing the issue and its resolution and give a copy to the involved parties. If the Grievance is not resolved, then the Grievant is encouraged to use Step Three of the Informal Procedure.