E. Student Conduct Panel Hearing
Allegations which could result in suspension or expulsion, or that are complex, sensitive, or require a number of witnesses or that involve an alleged victim are referred to a Hearing Panel.
The Student Conduct Panel Hearing option may not be available during final examinations, breaks or other periods. If feasible, a hearing will proceed during these times. Additionally, a Student Conduct Panel Hearing may not be available when the Dean of Students or Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources determine that appearing before the panel poses a threat to the physical welfare of panel members or witness(es). Hearings are scheduled around academic schedule on record of complainant and respondent.
The Student Conduct Panel Hearing (Hearing Panel) shall be selected from the Discipline/Judicial Committee which is comprised of faculty, staff and students nominated by the Dean of Students and appointed by the President. The Dean of Students serves as an ex officio member.
A Hearing Panel shall consist of three disinterested members selected from the Discipline/Judicial Committee by the Dean of Students office. The faculty member will be the chairperson. A list of Hearing Panel members will be available three days in advance of the hearing. Prior to the hearing, alternate Hearing Panel members may be seated to be available in case of conflicts.
A professional staff member from the Dean of Students office will be present as a non-voting participant. Their role will be to facilitate dialogue between the Hearing Panel and the students involved, ensure appropriate participation from advisors, and answer procedural questions as needed. A member of Legal Counsel may be present at the hearing to serve as a non-voting advisor to the Hearing Panel.
A student’s advisor may participate directly to the same extent as the student. Such direct participation is a privilege which, if abused, may be withdrawn by the Chair of the Hearing Panel or the Dean of Students office staff member. If the privilege is withdrawn, the advisor may continue to advise the student. However, if the advisor fails to act in accordance with hearing procedure, the Chair of the Hearing Panel or the Dean of Students office staff member may bar the advisor from the hearing. The student must notify the Dean of Students office ten days in advance of the hearing if they will be accompanied by an advisor and provide their name and contact information.