IV. Sanctions

Although not intended to be inclusive, the following are possible sanctions that may be imposed, either singularly or in combination, for a student if a violation of the Student Code of Conduct is found. During a Student Conduct Meeting the student and the conduct officer will work together to develop an Action Plan to aid the student in their development.

  1. Written Warning is an official written notice that the student has violated university policies and that more severe conduct action will result should the student be involved in other violations while the student is enrolled at the university.
  2. Restriction is a limitation on a student’s privileges for a period of time and may include, but not be limited to, the denial of the use of facilities or access to parts of campus, denial of the right to represent the university, or denial of participation in extracurricular activities not directly associated with academics (e.g., intramural sports, attending athletic events, student organizations/clubs/associations, or leadership positions within campus organizations). Students must apply to re-instate the privilege by submitting documentation of their significant proactive efforts to become good citizens of the community and engage in responsible, productive behavior.
  3. Educational and Behavioral Change Requirements are assigned as an opportunity for personal development and can include, but are not limited to, attending alcohol education, a reflection essay, community service, seeking academic counseling, decision making class, and other relevant educational opportunities.
  4. Class Removal occurs when a student is dropped from a class or moved to another section of a class.
  5. No Contact Directive is an absolute prohibition from contact with specified person or persons in any form whatsoever, including, but not limited to, contact in person, by phone, electronically, or through another person. A No Contact Directive may be implemented as an interim measure for Title IX issues. Interim measures can be put in place without a formal complaint, conduct process, or a finding of responsibility. Violating a No Contact Directive may result in suspension from the university.
  6. Restitution is compensation for the damage caused to the university or any person’s property on campus. This is not a fine, but rather a repayment for labor costs and/or value of property destroyed, damaged, consumed, or stolen.
  7. Residence Hall Status Change: The following sanctions may include:
    1. Restrictions on visitation to specified buildings or all university housing.
    2. Reassignment to another university housing facility as determined by Housing and Residential Life staff.
    3. Suspension from a university housing facility for a specified period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for returning may be specified.
    4. Removal from living in or visiting any university housing facility.
  8. Conduct Probation is a specified period of time during which the student is placed on formal notice that they are not in good standing with the university and that further violations of university regulations will subject them to suspension or expulsion from the university.
  9. Conduct Suspension is the exclusion from enrollment in classes and other privileges or activities for a definite period of time not to exceed three years and until the conditions which are set forth in the hearing outcome letter are met. Students who are suspended from Science & Arts are not permitted on campus or in university buildings, facilities, or activities at any time for any reason during the period of suspension, unless otherwise permitted by the Dean of Students. Notation on the transcript is not made; however, a record of the action is maintained in the student’s record in the Registrar’s Office. If a transcript is requested during the period of suspension, a letter will be sent with the transcript to the requesting party/institution stating the student is under suspension for conduct reasons. Only unofficial transcripts will be released to the student directly. Any refund of tuition or fees will be subject to the university’s normal withdrawal policy.
  10. Conduct Expulsion is termination of student status for an indefinite period. Students who are expelled from Science & Arts are not permitted on campus or in university buildings, facilities, or activities at any time for any reason, unless otherwise permitted by the Dean of Students. Notation on the transcript is not made; however, a permanent record of the action is maintained in the student’s record in the Registrar’s Office. If a transcript is requested, a letter will be sent with the transcript to the requesting party/institution stating the student has been expelled for conduct reasons. Only unofficial transcripts will be released to the student directly. Expulsion becomes a permanent part of a student’s conduct record. Any refund of tuition or fees will be subject to the university’s normal withdrawal policy.
  11. More than one of the sanctions listed above may be imposed for any single violation.
  12. The following sanctions may be imposed upon groups or organizations:
    1. Those sanctions listed above.
    2. Deactivation: Loss of all privileges, including University recognition, for a specified period of time.