1. Complaints

  1. Any member of the university community (faculty, staff, or student) or any person who is unaffiliated with the university who has knowledge of an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct may file a complaint against a student alleging that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred. The university may itself initiate a complaint. Such complaint should be filed with the Dean of Students as soon as possible but within 180 calendar days (not university business days) of the alleged violation. A late complaint may be accepted with the approval of the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources, the Dean of Students, or their designee.
  2. The complaint must be submitted in writing and signed by the complainant or via the approved online form. The complaint must include the date, time, place, name(s) of person(s) involved (e.g., the accused, witnesses) and sufficient detail to make a determination of whether disciplinary action may be warranted.
  3. Complaints may be initiated for incidents where concurrent criminal charges are pending. The university may adjudicate incidents without regard to either pending civil litigation or criminal prosecution. University conduct proceedings may proceed before, during or after court proceedings.