D. Applicability of the Student Code of Conduct

As previously stated, the Science & Arts Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct which occurs on university premises, at Science & Arts sponsored events both on and off campus, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the Science & Arts community or the pursuit of its objectives.

Each student is responsible for all of their actions from the time of enrollment through the actual awarding of the degree. Inappropriate conduct that occurs before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and periods between terms of actual enrollment (even if the conduct is not discovered until after a degree is awarded) is covered by the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct will apply even if the student withdraws from the university while a conduct matter is pending.

The University will take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Off-campus behavior that allegedly violates ordinances, local, state, or federal law adversely affects the university community and the pursuit of the University’s lawful educational mission and may be subject to University conduct action. The Dean of Students, the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or their designee will decide whether off-campus inappropriate conduct is subject to university conduct action. Examples of off-campus behavior that may be subject to university conduct action include but are not limited to: selling or otherwise providing alcohol to underage students, selling, or distributing illicit drugs, actions that result in the serious injury or death of another person(s), alcohol or drug offenses, or any alleged violation that jeopardizes an individual’s or community’s educational opportunities.