C. Standards of Behavior

Attendance at Science & Arts is optional, voluntary and a privilege. When students enroll at Science & Arts, they voluntarily accept obligations of performance and behavior consistent with the University’s lawful mission, processes, and functions.

Science & Arts is an institution of higher learning. Thus, the rules and regulations are designed to ensure optimal conditions of learning for all students. The University’s approach to student discipline emphasizes assisting students in understanding and accepting responsibilities for their behavior. Both the interests of the student and the University community are considered in deciding the desirability and appropriateness of undertaking a course of discipline.

Students are expected to comply with all university policies, contracts, and/or agreements. Failure to do so may result in students being required to participate in the conduct process. Conduct action may also be taken for any violation of local ordinances, state, or federal law, on or off campus, which adversely affects the university community or the pursuit of the university’s lawful educational mission, process, or function. The University will take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. In addition, if a student has been found to have violated state or federal law, the university reserves the right to notify the appropriate authority.

Students will be afforded due process and the ability to appeal as prescribed in this document and other relevant university policies, rules, or regulations. Students may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in addition to campus sanctions. Campus resolution may proceed before, during, or after civil or criminal actions are concluded and is not subject to challenge based on the action or inaction of civil authorities.