State System Articulation Policy

In accordance with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, USAO fully participates in the articulation policy for the transfer of students among Oklahoma public institutions. A student transferring to USAO with an associate of arts or an associate of science degree from any state system institution will be considered to have met general education requirements of the baccalaureate degree. Some students may have to take additional courses in general education to meet minimum professional certification requirements as defined by the state.

Teacher education candidates may need to take additional courses in general education to meet the minimum certification requirements as defined by the State of Oklahoma, including health and physical education, geography, mathematics, science, or similar additional requirements of other professional fields.

General education credit earned with a grade of “C” or better by the transferring student at accredited colleges within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education will apply toward baccalaureate degrees in the same way the credit would apply at the institution at which the credit was earned. General education credit earned at non-state institutions will be reviewed for acceptance by the Registrar.