General Admission Policies

Documents Required

Complete and official transcripts. official test scores, and immunization records may be required before enrollment in a subsequent term.

Curricular Deficiencies

ACT-Based Deficiencies A student who scores less than 19 on any of the ACT subscores is judged deficient in that subject area. Students must remediate all deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted. If deficiencies remain after the completion of 24 hours, enrollment will be restricted to remedial courses. Students continuously enrolled in courses designed to remove deficiencies may be allowed to continue enrollment beyond the 24-hour limit.

Each remedial course (identified by a first-digit of "0" in the course number) carries the same tuition as college-level courses, plus a $20 per hour fee, but does not carry college credit.

Remediation in English is achieved in one of the following ways:

  1. completion of ENGL-0123, or
  2. completion of ENGL-1013, or
  3. Pass a USAO English assessment.

Remediation in science is achieved in one of the following ways:

  1. completion of NSCI-0122, or
  2. completion of IDS-2013, or
  3. earning a passing grade on a USAO assessment test.

Remediation in mathematics is achieved in one of the following ways:

  1. Students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Deaf Education, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Physics, or any other field requiring MATH-1513, MATH-1613, or MATH-1743 must do one of the following:
    1. Score 19 or higher on the ACT math sub score,
    2. Pass a USAO level 2 mathematics assessment (quantitative reasoning, algebra, and statistics), or
    3. Complete MATH-0123 with a grade of “RP”, or
    4. Complete MATH-1513 with a passing grade.
  2. Other students, including majors whose only required mathematics course is IDS-1223 and majors whose only required MATH prefix course is MATH-2203 must do one of the following:
    1. Score 19 or higher on the ACT math sub score,
    2. Pass a Science USAO level 2 mathematics assessment (quantitative reasoning, algebra, and statistics), or
    3. Pass a USAO level 1 mathematics assessment (arithmetic), or
    4. Complete MATH-0103 with a grade of “RP.”

Drover Achievement Program (DAP)

The Drover Achievement Program is designed to provide students with additional support as they transition to college. As a member of the Drover Achievement Program, students will have regular coaching meetings with a member of the Student Success Team to ensure that they are on track for a successful first year of college. All members of the Drover Achievement Program will be reviewed after the end of the fall term for satisfactory academic progress. Those students who fall under the minimum requirements will be required to enroll in an academic support course in the spring term of their freshman year, in addition to continued coaching meetings with the Student Success Team.

In-State/Out-of-State Status of Enrolled Students [Residency Status]

Resident of Oklahoma

Resident status is granted to financially independent adults who are permanently residing in Oklahoma and who have been physically and continuously present in the state of Oklahoma for at least one calendar year prior to the first day of class attendance at USAO; and who, during this one-year period, resided in Oklahoma for some reason other than primarily to attend classes at a post-secondary educational institution.

Resident status for tuition purposes is based on the location of your permanent domicile. Domicile has two components - residence and intent to remain indefinitely. A person can have more than one residence, but only one domicile.

Attendance at an educational institution, albeit a continuous and long-term experience, is interpreted as temporary residence. Therefore, a student neither gains nor loses resident status solely by such attendance.

Students can request residency re-classification through the Registrar's Office. The burden of proof of residence status or domicile shall be upon the applicant. Each request for residency re-classification is judged on its own merit using the guidelines and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Active Uniformed Service/Discharged or Released from Active Uniformed Service for whom Oklahoma is the Home of Record

The following shall be eligible for Oklahoma resident status:

  • Members of the uniformed service, along with their dependent children and spouse, who provide evidence that they are full-time active duty status of more than 30 days in the uniformed services stationed in Oklahoma or temporarily present through military orders. Further, when members of the armed services are transferred out-of-state, the member, their spouse and dependent children shall continue to be classified as in-state as long as they remain continuously enrolled.
  • Regardless of the residency of the student, dependent children or spouse of a person who is currently serving as a member of the active uniformed services of the United States on full-time active duty status of more than 30 days for whom Oklahoma is the home of record.
  • Person, dependent children or spouse of a person, who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than 90 days of active uniformed service and for whom Oklahoma is the home of record.
  • Former full-time active uniformed services personnel who remain in Oklahoma after their service may retain their in-state status without the 12 month requirement if they established domicile defined in this policy.

Active Uniformed Service/Discharged or Released from Active Uniformed Service (Regardless of the Home of Record)

A student who files with USAO a letter of intent to establish residence in the state and who resides in the state while enrolled at USAO shall be eligible for in-state status if the student:

  • Is a person who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than 90 days of active duty uniformed service and is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under Chapters 30, 33 or 35 of Title 38 of the United States Code while living in Oklahoma; or
  • Is a person who is entitled to assistance under Section 3311(b)(9) or 3319 of Title 38 of the United States Code by virtue of a relationship to a person who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than 90 days of active duty uniformed services; or
  • Is a person who is the spouse/dependent of an individual currently serving as a member of the active, uniformed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Service) of the United States on full-time, active duty status of more than 30 days and is using Chapter 30, 33 or 35; or
  • Is a recipient of the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship and is using it as a GI Bill benefit.

A student who files with USAO a letter of intent to establish residence in the state and who resides in Oklahoma while enrolled at USAO shall be eligible for in-state status if the student is a recipient of Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation.

Military Reserve Member on Full-Time Active Duty

Regardless of the residency of the student, dependent children or a spouse of a person who is currently serving as a member of the military reserve on full-time active duty of more than 30 days and for whom Oklahoma is the home of record shall be eligible for in-state status.

Oklahoma National Guard

A person who is a current member of the Oklahoma National Guard shall be eligible for in-state status.