Mentored Research Program

The Mentored Research program provides advanced experience in research and presentation methods and should result in sophisticated research projects suitable for conference presentation and/or professional publication. Completion will require a total of four credit hours but can take up to eight hours with repeated enrollment in IDS-4552. The program can be started in either the Fall or Spring term. The project title is added to the student transcript signifying the successful completion of a quality undergraduate research project, and students who complete the program are recognized at graduation. The faculty mentor must be a currently employed by Science & Arts.

To apply, the student must have:

  • A GPA of 3.0 by the time student begins IDS-4462.

  • At least 75 hours completed by the time student begins IDS-4462.

  • A research-based course relevant to the project’s field OR a letter from a professor familiar with the student’s research experience affirming the student’s preparedness for a large research project. Mentors may require a research methods course as appropriate. Research courses may be taken concurrently with IDS-4462.