Academic Forgiveness

The university recognizes that extenuating circumstances may be responsible for a student's poor grades. Therefore, the university allows a currently enrolled student to request academic forgiveness for grades that jeopardize the student's good academic standing. There are three academic forgiveness options available; Repeated Courses, Academic Reprieve, and Academic Renewal.

Repeated Courses

A student may repeat up to a maximum of four classes totaling 18 credit hours in courses in which the original grade earned was a “D” or “F." The second grade earned will be used to calculate a student’s retention/graduation GPA. Both attempts shall be recorded on the transcript with the earned grade. The Explanation of Grades section of the transcript will note that only the second grade earned is used in the calculation of the retention/graduation GPA. If a student repeats an individual course more than once, all grades earned, with the exception of the first, will be used to calculate the retention/graduation GPA.

Academic Reprieve

A student may request that a maximum of two consecutive terms of college work be reprieved. In the event a reprieve is granted, grades in the term reprieved will not be used to calculate retention/graduation GPAs. At least three years must have elapsed between the time at which the grades were awarded and the time of the reprieve request. Prior to requesting the academic reprieve, the student must have earned a GPA of 2.00 or higher with no grade lower than a “C” in all regularly graded coursework (a minimum of 12 hours), excluding activity or performance courses. All courses remain on the student's transcript but are not calculated in the student's retention/graduation GPA. Course work with a passing grade included in a reprieved term may be used to demonstrate competency, but the course work may not be used to fulfill credit hour requirements.

Academic Renewal

A student may request Academic Renewal for all courses completed before the date specified in the request for renewal. At least five years must have elapsed between the last term being renewed and the renewal request. Prior to requesting Academic Renewal, the student must have earned a GPA of 2.00 or higher with no grade lower than a “C” in all regularly graded course work (a minimum of 12 hours) excluding activity or performance courses. All courses remain on the transcript but are not calculated in the student’s retention/graduation GPA. Neither the content nor the credit hours of renewed course work may be used to fulfill any degree or graduation requirements.

A student may receive no more than one academic reprieve or renewal in his/her academic career and only one option (reprieve or renewal) can be used.