Credit-Hour Load

Science & Arts is committed to assisting students to complete a traditional four-year baccalaureate degree in no more than four years. Completion of 124 credit hours is required for graduation from Science & Arts. Consequently, to graduate in four years without attending school during summers, a student must take at least 15 to 16 hours per term. This is a full load. Although federal financial aid regulations consider a load of 12 hours to be “full-time” in order to qualify for financial aid, 12 hours is simply not a “full load.” To encourage students to take a full load, Science & Arts charges a flat rate tuition that entitles students to take 12 to 18 hours.

A 3.00 GPA and approval by the Registrar is required to enroll in more than 18 credit hours. The maximum credit-hour load is 22 hours in the fall and spring, 15 hours in the 10-week summer term.