Enforcement of Parking Regulations

The University campus is patrolled 24 hours a day, seven days a week by uniformed security personnel.

They are instructed to enforce parking policies and procedures authorized by the University. Parking enforcement is upheld by the Traffic Appeals committee, as instructed by the Board of Regents. Security personnel are charged to enforce the following policies:

  • Vehicle Registration: The University requires all members of the University community to register motor vehicles which they own or operate on the University campus.

    Registration shall be required prior to the first day of classes for each academic term, or within 48 hours (excluding holidays or weekends) following acquisition of a vehicle during the school year. Vehicle registration forms are available on-line at parking permit registration. Once the webform is complete, you can pick up the parking permit at the Office of Student Services, Student Center 303.

  • Charges shall be assessed at the time of registration of a student vehicle.
    • Parking stickers can be purchased for $30.
    • Hangtags can be purchased for $40.
    • A prorated amount for parking decals will based on the registration date of a change of primary vehicle.
      • Spring semester $20.
      • Summer semester $10.
  • Each additional decal and registration of secondary vehicles is $10. Students may register up to two vehicles.
  • Vehicle registration is nontransferable. A registrant must remove the decal prior to the sale of the vehicle or termination of employment or be responsible for tickets that may be received by the new owner.
  • Vehicle registration will include providing make, model, year, color, and tag number of the vehicle.
  • All University employees who park personal vehicles on campus while at work are required to register motor vehicles.
  • The registration decal shall be affixed to the lower left corner of the vehicle’s rear window. Failure to affix the decals as specified shall be deemed as failure to register the vehicle. Taping the decal to the vehicle is prohibited. Hangtags will be hung from the rear-view mirror with registration number facing out. Failure to display properly shall be deemed as failure to register vehicle.
  • Temporary parking permits are available in Student Services for those students, faculty and staff who may be using a vehicle for a short term. This may be due to an accident or repair to their registered vehicle. These permits are available at no cost and are time limited.
  • Visitor passes are available in Student Services at no cost to visitors. Visitors without the pass may park only in the areas marked “Visitors Parking Only.” These spots are located outside Troutt Hall and Lawson Court Apartments. Unrestricted parking for visitors is permitted only on Homecoming, Family Day, and other designated University functions.
  • Each school year, all expired Science & Arts decals or other expired decals and hangtags must be removed.
  • Non-University employees, whose work assignments are permanently on the campus, shall follow campus regulations the same as all other members of the University community.
  • “Open parking” hours shall be declared from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. daily and from 4:00 p.m. on Friday through 7:00 a.m. on Monday. School holidays are considered as “open parking” days. Exceptions to this rule are:
    • No parking zones
    • Loading zones
    • Visitor zones
    • Handicap zones
  • Vehicles shall be parked within designated parking boundaries; in no case shall they overlap into or onto a roadway, crosswalk, sidewalk, or other parking space. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute an excuse for parking with any part of the vehicle over any line.
  • Visitor spaces are to be utilized by bona fide visitors only. Visitor spaces in front of Lawson Court Clubhouse are for visitors to the University, not members of the University community visiting the apartments or the clubhouse.
  • The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
  • Lack of space is not a valid excuse for violating a parking regulation.