
Campus: includes all Science & Arts owned, leased, rented, or maintained property including but not limited to buildings, facilities, sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, and grounds. Campus also includes all University owned, leased, or rented vehicles. Campus may not include any owned properties which are leased to third parties under long-term leases.

Students: includes but is not limited to all students enrolled in University classes and/or classes held on campus, as defined above.

Tobacco products: shall mean any cigars, cheroots, stogies, smoking tobacco (including granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette), chewing tobacco (including cavendish, twist, plug, scrap and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for chewing), however prepared; and shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute therefor.

Other Kinds and Forms of Tobacco includes hookahs, electronic cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), vaping devices and all other kinds and forms of tobacco prepared in such a manner to be suitable for spit tobacco use, smoking, or both. This term also includes herbal tobacco products, simulated tobacco products that imitate or mimic tobacco products, including but not limited to cloves, bidis, and kreteks.

Tobacco use: includes smoking, chewing, dipping or any other consumption or use of tobacco products.

Visitors: includes, but is not limited to, guests, spectators, contractors, vendors, volunteers and anyone else providing any type of product or service to the University.

Faculty and Staff: Includes, but is not limited to, all employed at Science & Arts in any capacity whether in a paid or unpaid (volunteer) status.


The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma is responsible for ensuring the annual review of this administrative policy.

This policy is effective July 1, 2012

Revised October 2016

Revised October 2018

Revised March 2019

Revised May 2021