Section III: Procedures

Faculty members at Science & Arts are empowered to determine instances of academic dishonesty and what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken within their classroom. After discovering instances of intentional dishonesty, faculty members may pursue either an informal or a formal means of resolution. The means of resolution is at the discretion of the faculty member. However, in both procedures, faculty members are obligated to report academic dishonesty to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The names of students found guilty of academic dishonesty will remain on record in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

The Academic Integrity Committee—a university committee composed of faculty members, students, and the registrar—is empowered to pursue disciplinary action above and beyond that of the faculty members or to hear appeals upon the failure of the informal resolution process. The Academic Integrity Committee is empowered to recommend supplementary disciplinary action outside of the classroom and to hear appeals regarding instances of academic dishonesty resolved through the informal resolution process. These additional penalties may include expulsion, suspension, probation, revocation of scholarship funds, or mandatory service to the college.

Faculty members will not share information regarding cases of academic dishonesty with anyone outside of the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs or co-instructors for the course in which the academic dishonesty took place. Similarly, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will not share information regarding cases of academic dishonesty with anyone outside of the Academic Integrity Committee, Financial Aid Office, Office of Student Affairs, Registrar’s Office and any other school officials with a legitimate educational interest.