Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines how “culture” creates and transforms individuals, social relations, and power. The field appropriates from literary studies, environmental studies, sociology, cultural anthropology, communications, economics, philosophy, history, psychology, and political science to understand how cultural meaning is produced, disseminated, politicized, and contested. A minor in Cultural Studies offers to students a curriculum that includes, but is not limited to, the following: the history of cultural studies, culture and literary theory, gender, nationhood and national identity, colonialism and post colonialism, social construction, race and ethnicity, popular cultures, literary and media genres, the environment, identity and global cultures, film, and media theory and practice.
A minor in Cultural Studies at Science & Arts will provide excellent opportunities for students to gain essential knowledge and skills from complementary disciplines. This knowledge should empower students to fulfill whatever civic role in public life they wish to pursue and will be an asset for further specialization at the graduate level. Students electing this academic minor will be equipped with communication and writing skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills, critical and analytical thinking, and research skills.