
Burden of Proof: A member of the University community who files a grievance has a burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that they have been wronged.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality means maintaining as confidential, to the extent possible, all matters related to a grievance on a criterion of "need to know."

Day: Day means university working day, not including Saturday, Sunday or university breaks, holidays, and closures. Time deadlines may be extended during breaks, university holidays and closures.

Grievance: A grievance is an allegation by an individual based on specific facts that there has been a misinterpretation, misapplication, discriminatory application, or violation of a University Policy or Procedure. The intent of a grievance process is to resolve a dispute over significant issues not minor disagreements. Grade disputes, admissions decisions, graduation appeals, and similar academic decisions are not grievable issues, unless they are complaints of a civil rights nature, including complaints related to age, sex, race, religion, creed, color, ethnic/national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, genetic background, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or other personal characteristic protected by applicable local, state, or federal law. The following situations may be grieved: (1) unsafe or inappropriate work assignment; (2) unsafe working conditions; (3) policy application.

Dean of Students: The Dean of Students or designee acts as the grievance coordinator and is the individual to whom a formal, written grievance must be submitted. The Dean of Students is responsible for helping to coordinate the expeditious and fair resolution of problems raised by students. The role of the Dean of Students is to assist the parties in seeking a satisfactory resolution of the issues and not to determine who is "right" or "wrong." To that end, the Dean of Students will remain neutral throughout the proceedings and will serve primarily as a facilitator. In appropriate circumstances, the Dean of Students may also coordinate efforts within various University offices to resolve disputes in a prompt, flexible, and responsive manner. The Dean of Students also may be consulted during the Informal Process of trying to resolve a grievance. If a grievance is lodged against a Dean of Students, then the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources will name an alternative person to serve as the grievance coordinator for that specific matter.

Grievance Committee: The Grievance Committee consists of 6 members of the University community with equal representation from three constituencies: students, faculty, and staff. The Dean of Students serves as an ex officio member of the committee. Members of the Grievance Committee will receive annual training in the dispute resolution process and the University's Policies and Procedures regarding the same.

Grievant: The Grievant is the person lodging a grievance.

Respondent: The Respondent is the person against whom a grievance is lodged.

Retaliation: Retaliation is a material adverse action against an individual, because of their participation in any part of a grievance proceeding. The University prohibits retaliation in any form.

Witness: An individual identified by the Grievant, Respondent or a member of the Grievance Committee who can contribute to the substance of the grievance at hand. An individual identified as a witness or potential witness cannot be forced to testify and will not be coerced, intimidated, or retaliated against for their testimony or refusal to testify.