3. Interim Suspension

In cases where student health or safety is reasonably believed to be significantly jeopardized, the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources or designee, in consultation with the President of the university, or designee, may suspend a student for the period of time required to allow a thorough investigation and an opportunity for a hearing. Students who are so suspended are not permitted on campus or in university buildings, facilities, or activities at any time for any reason during the period of the interim suspension, unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Dean of Students.

If the conduct or behavior of a student residing in a Science & Arts residence hall is determined by the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources, the Dean of Students, and the Director of Student Life and Housing to be a threat to others, the ability to live in the residence hall may be immediately suspended for a period of time pending the outcome of a hearing. During an interim housing suspension, the student is immediately removed from the residence hall and is not to reenter any campus residence hall until a hearing is held and a decision regarding the pending complaint has been made.